December 23rd, 2011

Ghost Captured in Highway Accident

Posted in: Western — Tony
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  • Thanks to Emanuel for sharing this video clip

    A group of police officers were trying to remove 2 horses from the highway. Press was there video-shooting the event. Suddenly a car in high speed rammed into one of the horse and skidded to the side. While video-shooting the car crashing, a spirit was captured following the car. People believed that this accident was caused by the spirit (ghost).

    The following are even more Scarier :


    1. Debunked!! shadow of one of the officers appears in the dust created by the accident, light source is on-coming cars.

      Commented by Den James — December 27, 2011 @ 3:19 pm

    2. Ooh, it’s just another reaction to the chemicals, very coincidential that it created a shape but if you see there is really only a torso and a head, no lower body or anything and it is just more smoke created inside smoke, nothing to worry bout

      Commented by Abby — December 28, 2011 @ 11:31 am

    3. … sorry but I am more worried about the poor animal…that person totally meant to hit that horse. :( what a sick person, he had everything coming to him if he got hurt…UGH!

      Commented by Aubrey — February 2, 2012 @ 6:24 am

    4. I’ve got to agree with Den. It’s the shadow of the cop in the dust. Also, that driver is an idiot. How do you not see a horse on the highway?

      Commented by Bracket — March 9, 2012 @ 11:04 am

    5. Does anyone know if the horse was alright?

      The horse was walking towards the guy but the guy made no effort to move.

      Commented by GG — March 11, 2012 @ 1:46 am

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