March 23rd, 2014

Ghost Suffocating Student

Posted in: Asian — Tony
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  • Thank to Kousuke for sharing this video clip

    Some translation of the dictation of the video :
    A truck driver who always felt sleepy while driving no matter how early he went to bed. So, he setup a camera to check how he sleeps at night. From the moment he was asleep, nothing much happened until around 2.50am, he started creating some sort of snoring sound and starts turning over in bed. Then at around 4.25am, he started to have breathing difficulty. At this point, you should see a hand holding his neck for few seconds. He was woken up at 5.40am and felt tired and sleepy. He doesn’t seems like having a good sleep and something was disturbing his sleep.

    The following are even more Scarier :

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