November 3rd, 2005

Train Station

Posted in: Asian — Tony
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  • Well, i wouldn’t wanna commend how true this story is, only those who is reading this and had experienced this will know.

    Due to certain reason, this particular police office had to be station at a certain bank at Orchard MRT for a few days till the wee hours in the morning. He was warned by the lady bank officer that the male toliet was haunted.

    Of course he did not take it seriously. That very night, he went to the toilet at about 11pm, where the shopping crowd had ceased. During the mids of releasing himself, he heard someone crying in the next cubicle. He perised his ear to hear, indeed it was a man, sobbing. Immediately he came out of his cubicle to check things out. The next cubicle was locked and the sobbing continous.

    Without much further investigation, he rushed out if the toilet and crash head on to the MRT station control officer. Without asking what had happened, the station control officer told him to be calm, as what the police officer had experience is very normal.

    According to the station control officer, if anyone had work long enough at Orchard MRT, would have know this story.

    Occassionally, this upset male spirt will turn up at gent’s toliet and hide in a certain cubicle to cry his heart out. Nobody knows the story that had upset this poor spirit.

    But GUYS if you are interested to find out, you can visit that toilet, try your luck and see if you can find out why the spirit is so upset.

    Submitted By : ICE

    The following are even more Scarier :


    1. Uhm, maybe there’s a guy who has some emotional issues and cries himself in the loo? Who knows? I’m not a guy.

      Commented by CaityCalnan — August 3, 2007 @ 6:34 am

    2. Maybe his girlfriend broke up with him…

      Commented by Urbanite — September 3, 2007 @ 6:31 am

    3. Well, to me the reactions of the older woman looks a bit contrieved and they had to slow down the video quite a bit to see the form, whatever it is. I wonder what would have made them want to slow it down as I am not able to see anything out the window when the video plays at normal speed? That in itself is enough to know that the film has been fiddled with and really can\’t be trusted. Our eyes/brains need to see patterns and we need to be careful when looking at these things and question. A healthy dose of skeptisim is a good thing, it keeps us honest.

      Commented by Kate — September 7, 2007 @ 1:13 am

    4. i visited the crying was real but the cubicle was unlocked
      i was too scared to peep in but5 my friend did he said no1 was there
      then i went saw no1 saw small splashes in the toilet water

      Commented by Billy — December 6, 2007 @ 1:36 am

    5. i was playing hide and seek in the country side and had a group of ten people. Since this is the country side there is no lighting available but torches and the moon light allowing us to see. We all agreed on racing back home but since i was the fastest as everyone had claimed i had to close my eyes for 20 seconds and then catch up with them. As soon as i opened my eyes everyone was gone. No where to be seen, since i didnt want to run i walked and then all of a sudden to my shock i saw a young girl crying and walking towards me. I realised then that her face was covered in blood and her arms were moving really weird then as i froze the girl stopped crying and started floating towards me making no sound and had her hands stretched out as if she wanted something. I almost peed my pants and ran screaming as fast as i could. I told everyone what had happened back at home but noone believed me they claimed that i was missing for an hour before i returned. The next day i went back to check out the spot in which i saw her and found a bone of some sort stuck in the earth. i led everyone to the spot in which i found it and they dug it up and found a skeleton of a young girl. It was later discovered that the girl was murdered by her psycho dad. That was really freaky and i had therapy after that to help me in which i went through after the ordeal.

      Commented by rafila — June 23, 2008 @ 7:53 pm

    6. billy…if thats true, thats an awesome story, ya solved a murder.
      and if i even got to this station with the cubicle, i would be to scared to go in by myself. =\

      Commented by believer — October 22, 2008 @ 10:36 am


      Commented by Miranda — March 24, 2009 @ 5:55 am

    8. Probaly because he just found out that he died.

      Commented by Madeaya — July 6, 2009 @ 8:30 am

    9. I don’t care if I’m not a guy, send me the address of this place and I’ll see it for myself

      Commented by Kenna — November 29, 2009 @ 4:29 pm

    10. mabe it’s just a guy who has to cry, as I guy I know you always wanna be as far from anyone else if you’re about to cry. Mabe that was the best spot he could find.

      Commented by jorgin von strangle — April 9, 2010 @ 6:18 am

    11. Maybe he caught his girlfriend having sex with a fat German tourist? This is Singapore after all where the women love white guys….

      Commented by Ricky — August 3, 2010 @ 11:30 am

    12. Maybe his girlfried cheated on him and he is heartbroken and die.

      Commented by Jane Austin — April 8, 2014 @ 3:55 pm

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