Jericho Covered Bridge
Thanks to B from Maryland.
Joppa – Jericho Covered Bridge – This bridge is the last covered bridge standing in Harford County, built in the early 1800’s. Legend has it that several lynching occurred at this bridge during and after the Civil War, in which the captured people were hung from the upper rafters, sometimes many at a time. If you stop your car on the narrow bridge late at night, and look in your rear view mirrors, the image of a swinging body can be seen.
This is the story my friends and I checked out. We went late at night during winter, it was November/ December if I remember right of 03, this past year. 1st my friend went without me and told me how there jeep wouldn’t move off a 2nd bridge. They found this bridge while looking for the one above, this was an old iron bridge big enough for one car. I’m not sure of the name of it, but it was over the falls and was fairly old. They stopped on the bridge and when my friend tried to drive again his jeep wouldn’t start! Then if you look down to your right to the river you can see what appears to be a soldier hunched over on a horse, the horse looks back at you and you can see his eyes and he contiues to walk. If you keep driving and look to the left into the fields you will notice someone walking along. They are dressed in what I guess could be civil war era clothing. The whole time you see numerous orbs and what not. Then we contiued to look for the Covered Bridge and found it. On the way to the bridge you could hear whispers in the woods and see what looked like cigarettes being light. Once again you saw plenty of orbs. Remember this is late at night in a very off the road area without street lights and lamps. During one point I glanced out my window and saw a face right next to my car window! Needless to say it scared the crap out of me. Then we reached the bridge and drove through, turned off the lights and checked to see if we could see anything and we could! We actually saw 2 bodies, perhaps 3 hanging. From under the bridge we could see a light that appeared out of nowhere. Each time we went through we saw the bodies and all you see really are the legs, the lower half. If you try to look for more you simply won’t see anything. My friends have gone back numerous times and on the last trip after they did the bridge, someone appeared behind the car and was chasing them. It just seemed to be a faceless being. I don’t know what else you would call it. I hope you find this story interesting. Everything seems to be more “awake” during a cold night.