Thanks to Koisuke for sharing this video clip
This video was an investigation to solve a mystery reported by a family. They have submitted a photo with a spirit in it. In the findings, they found out that the shape formed by the spirit in the photo was indeed a woman who passed away some time ago. They match the spirit formation with a portrait kept by the family and to their horror, they matched exactly. The team then decided to further their investigation at the house and while the cameraman was video-shooting, they noticed a bright light near the window. Initially, they thought it was a car headlight but further check with the other cameraman who was video-shooting in another angle, there wasn’t such light. They played back the video and investigate every possible angle and found that the so called “light” was indeed the spirit with a formation of a face. Is the spirit looks like the girl in the portrait?
The most shocking one is that the portrait changed shape after several months. This was shown at the start of the video below.
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