July 20th, 2010

The Haunted Doll

Posted in: Unexplained,Western — Tony | 33 Comments
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Thanks to Robbo Hudson for sharing these images. Click on the image to enlarge

40 years ago my father-in-law came across this doll in a dime store in America. It was displayed surrounded by old pictures of itself taken years before. On the floor in front of the display was a red line. The display had a sign saying this:

“In 1888 this doll was given to Cedric Argyle of London. The doll Had previously been used in no fewer than 68 exorcisms. Reverend Thomas Blythe and his friend Mr.Argayus Brown used the doll in exorcisms when mischievous spirits haunted the stately homes and staff quarters of the gentry all over England. Thomas had often commented on the doll looking at him on numerous occasions and blinking or smiling. After a time the doll was finally photographed by a friend. When it was photographed again some 20 minutes later the photographer said he noticed the doll seemed to smile and it spooked him. No one took much notice until the plates were developed and the photographs revealed the face had actually changed!

All the people that viewed the photographs were amazed at the difference and put it down to the lost souls unfortunately being trapped inside the doll.
During the exorcism the doll had been used to distract the spirit by being offered up as a plaything. Mr. Brown made the assumption that whilst the banishing of the spirit from the house it was haunting, it somehow had entered the doll trapping itself! Over the next few years the doll was photographed by thousands of people and now resides here after being sold to the dime store by Mr Brown’s Grandson. Since being here, customers have stood on the red line and took 2 pictures of the doll one after the other and your advised to inspect these once developed. Almost every time the 2 photographs have different looking facial expressions. Sometimes looking like a boy…sometimes a girl! sometimes smiling….sometimes sad…

The doll was passed to me and eventually ended up on display for 7 years in the MUSEUM OF CURIOS Cornwall until 2007. Again it was photographed thousands of times by digital cameras with the same results. It was a favourite amongst customers beating the collection of shrunken heads in popularity! The doll is incredible. I can honestly say I have never come across anything quite like it. I’m not superstitious or a believer in ghosts or spirits per-se but I have witnessed the changes when photographed and filmed.

My conclusion was that subtle light changes or movement of the camera angle etc made the face appear different….maybe? The doll is made of cloth and what looks like real glass eyes. I have never seen eyes like this in a doll before. ruely life like and I hesitate to say quite spooky! It is around 9 inches long and delicate. This is definitely not for playing with and should be displayed in a temperature controlled environment

May 26th, 2010

Mermaid Spotted After Hurricane Ike

Posted in: Unexplained,Western — Tony | 52 Comments
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Thanks to Desmond Chen for sharing this video clip

The mermaid in the video was discovered after hurricane Ike. The mermaid was found dead but as claimed in the video, a baby was found and carried away by Marine Biological Dept or something.

March 6th, 2010

Flying Creature

Posted in: Unexplained,Western — Tony | 17 Comments
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Thanks to Michelle for sharing this video clip

This video was taken during a holiday trip. During their journey to the destination, the cameraman noticed an unknown object flying from a tower to another building.

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June 19th, 2009

UFO Causes SU-27 to Crash

Posted in: Unexplained,Western — Tony | 19 Comments
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Thanks to Heli for sharing this video clip

This video was taken during the airplane show in Russia. A plane crashed which the analyst believe it is caused by an unknown object (UFO). The video shown clearly that an unknown object flew passed the plane that caused the system to be malfunction or damage certain part of the plane.

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May 4th, 2009

Alien Octopus

Posted in: Asian,Unexplained — Tony | 22 Comments
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Thanks to Prince Arena for sharing this images.

The following images were taken by a fisherman in Indonesia. He saw this when the octopus were floating in the sea. He then took it back to his village and show it to the people. Some of them even examine the octopus to make sure it wasn’t fake.

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April 18th, 2009

Unknown Creatures Found in Russia

Posted in: Unexplained — Tony | 29 Comments
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Thanks to Heli for sharing this video clip.

A creature was found by a group of tourist at one of the lake in Russia. They caught it and it seems to be surviving even without water.

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March 5th, 2009

Giant Bat

Posted in: Unexplained — Tony | 62 Comments
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Thanks to Ashuq for sharing this image.

A Giant Bat was discover at one of the famous mountain in Indonesia. The bat doesn’t seem to scare of human being. In fact the visitors fed the bat with fruits.

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April 15th, 2008

Alien Captured on Aircraft

Posted in: Unexplained,Western — Tony | 39 Comments
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Thanks to Peter for sharing this video clip

An alien sneaking at the passengers from outside of an aircraft. It appears to be transparent.
** I can’t really conclude that this is true or fake. You Decide!

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December 30th, 2007

UFO and Alien Attack Hikers

Posted in: Unexplained,Western — Tony | 82 Comments
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Thanks to Matt for sharing this video clip.

This video was taken by Red Rock Hikers, Scott Pendleton and Jennifer Fox. Scott & Jennifer went for hiking and suddenly there was a rock fell from the sky and landed just meters away from their position. Scott was curious and went for an investigation. Jennifer was scared and kept asking Scott to leave this place but due to Scott’s curiousness, he wanted to continue his investigation. Then suddenly, an alien-like monster jump out from the rock and attack Scott then Jennifer. This video was found near the rock by sheriff and both of their bodies were missing from the scene. Now they are reported as missing couple. You can visit Tacoma County Sheriff Page for more info.

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December 25th, 2007

Buffalo Human Baby

Posted in: Asian,Unexplained — Tony | 45 Comments
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Thanks to Mok for sharing these images.

In Thailand, a buffalo gave birth to a human-like baby. It has passed away immediately after it was born. Thais believe this is some sort of phenomenon that brings luck and everyone in that village were praying for blessings. The face of this mystery human-like baby buffalo was totally deformed that I can’t know whether it looks like a buffalo or human face.

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