September 21st, 2006

Baby Devil

Posted in: Western — Tony | 22 Comments
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Thanks to Mirna Ramos for submitting this story

About 40 years ago in a small town in mexico, there used to be a man who loved to go out to another town on his horse to drink with his friends. He would constantly be drinking and going out, of course the wife could not stand that any more. So she told him,”You have to stop drinking because one day the devil will look for you out and he said no, you’re crazy & just dont want me to go out.

On next day he got ready and he left to the other town to drink with his buddies, and when he was coming back through the trail by the river he kept thinking about what his wife had told him but then he heard a cry, he got off his horse and looked in the river and he could not believe what he saw, it was a baby that someone had thrown into the river. He went in and took the baby out of the water, he used his shirt to cover the baby, the baby looked about 4 months old. The man looked at the baby and said how can people do that to such an innocent creature? The baby had red shiny eyes and a really devilish look on his face. The baby looked at the man with a grin and said,” AND GUESS WHAT ELSE I ALREADY HAVE TEETH”!

September 11th, 2006

Ghost Head Sneaking at the Cameraman

Posted in: Western — Tony | 58 Comments
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Thanks to Debbie for submitting this video clip.

This clip is really cool. The person doing the video shooting was on a vacation. He was video shooting a historic building and suddenly there was a head sneaking at him. He ran towards the direction and the head was gone.

August 28th, 2006

Shadow captured by Camera

Posted in: Western — Tony | 8 Comments
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Thanks to Debbie for submitting this photo

Debbie writes :
This is a picture I captured from her webcam during the seasonal holidays at Asyaret’s home in California. She had some family over and no one else was in the living room at the time I caught this black shadow except her husband that I was talking to on the computer and their son which I have dotted out. You can see completely through it and there also seems to be a black glare surrounding it. By the next refresh it was completely gone.

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August 20th, 2006

Haunted Experience

Posted in: Western — Tony | 4 Comments
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Thanks to Rebecca for submitting this story.

When my sister and me were younger we moved onto a farm with our parents and we were very excited. We lived on that farm for more than five years and hope that we never have to go through anything that horrific again.

On one occurrence I slept upstairs in a room with my sister and one night while I was sleeping she woke me up in a panic and claimed that she saw a women in the corner of our room in an old fashioned dress and walked straight through the wall. I of course didn’t believe her until I myself was downstairs playing in our play room and heard some noises in the room next to me and thought it must have been one of my family members. So I went in and no one was there so I walked out and saw the same women my sister had explained to me walking through the basement. She walked into a room by the stairs so I ran of course and didn’t go down there for a very long time.

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August 1st, 2006

Ghost Captured By Ghost Hunters

Posted in: Western — Tony | 25 Comments
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Thanks to Steven for submitting this photo.

The ghost in this photo was captured by a group of ghost hunters.

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July 10th, 2006

Ghost Imitate My Husband

Posted in: Western — Tony | 12 Comments
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Thanks to Jenny for submitting this story

One night I couldn’t sleep, so I decided to stay up and wait for my husband to come home from work (he had to work late that week) it was about 2am, and I heard a car pull in, my bed is right under the window, then I heard the car door open and shut, and walking up the sidewalk, the screen door make it awful screeching, and the lock pop open on the handle of the door, then I heard walking across the hard wood floor into the kitchen…

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June 4th, 2006

Ghost Walking

Posted in: Western — Tony | 19 Comments
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Thanks to Fruss for submitting this video.

A ghost walking through the living room was captured.

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May 20th, 2006

Little Girl

Posted in: Western — Tony | 52 Comments
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Thanks to Chris for the story

In september of last year I moved to Tacony in philadelphia pa. After I first moved in everything was great. At least up into November. Thats when wierd things began happening again.

It started out as little things I would hear noises at night after I came home from work. At first I just dismissed it as my imagination and sleepiness. Then things slowly got worse.

One night after I went to bed I was awakened early in the morning. There was a wierd feeling like something was in the room with me. I flipped over in my bed to see who it was. Nobody was there,I went back to sleep. The next three or four weeks were the same routine.

Finally I got angry and asked who ever it was what they wanted. Thats when I saw it. All of a sudden there was something in my doorway. I grabbed my glasses so I could see more clearly. It was a little girl, she looked about eight or nine years old. She was dressed in a white nightgown with long black hair. She was staring at me like she didn’t understand why I was there.

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May 1st, 2006

Fire Ghost

Posted in: Western — Tony | 17 Comments
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Thanks to Pam for submitting this story & photos

The attached is a photo of a person’s face looking out from a fire. A colleague’s husband is a Battalion Fire Chief in Kernersville, NC. A couple of years ago, the battalion burned down an abandoned house in order to hone their firefighting skills. A fireman with the battalion invited his wife out to watch the practice house burning. She brought her camera and snapped this photo. At the time, no one there saw anything unusual. However, upon developing the photos, this face was part of the image (look at the window). This is not a hoax. I saw the actual photo. According to some of the locals, the man who lived there committed suicide. I find the photo to be very compelling evidence that there is some type of life or energy after death. It really gives me Goosebumps!”

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April 27th, 2006

Ghost hand in TV

Posted in: Western — Tony | 9 Comments
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Submitted by : The Ikon

A friend sent me a picture she took of her TV. She mentioned the TV was off at the time. Her flash is at the bottom corner of the screen and she wasn’t close to the middle. She is darker skinned too….and I wasn’t sure if that would show up more or not being she has darker skin. She was by herself. That was like the 3rd question I asked her. She is also a little lady so first I don’t think being as far back as she was her height would be in that part of the TV. And the hands look masculine to others who have studied it. I looked at her hands and she has little pretty manicured hands. Very little. The ones in the TV seem huge to me. Some also see a face above the hands

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