Thanks to Chin
This story was told to me by my friend called Meng Han. We were first year college students back then when there was a 4th year high school girl who committed suicide in our building.
She jumped from the 5th floor. Nobody saw what happenned because she jumped during the early morning flag ceremony held at our college field, which was a distance from our building. She planned it so nobody could have stopped her. When the flag ceremony ended, everyone was shocked at what they saw. I was not there when it happened because my class began in the late afternoon.
When I got there, my friends told me what had happened. I went to the place where she fell and saw her blood and a pair of shoes. My friends who saw her body described to me what they saw. Then they found a suicide letter in her pocket and that was where everyone knew that she was having a big problem in her family and she could take it anymore.
3 days after she died, Meng Han’s girlfriend, Jessie who is also my classmate went to his house for dinner & project works. When it was past midnight Meng Han sent Jessie home by his motorcycle. Tan’s house was near our college so they had to past by it before reaching Jessie’s house, which was also nearby. When they past the college main gate, Meng Han saw a girl dressed in white standing near the guard house waving at him. He immediately turn his head back to the road and thinking who is waving at him (his mind keeps on thinking that she may be a ghost). When he reached Jessie’s house, he told her what he saw just now but Jessie didn’t believe him (Everyone know that Jessie doesn’t believe in ghost or any supernatural thing). He did not explain further and riding back home.
On the way home, Meng Han pasts by the college again and this time the girl was nowhere to be seen. Then his motorcycle suddenly jerk a little and he can feel that someone is sitting on his motorcycle. He looked at the side mirror and saw nothing. Then he bend his head down to his right side and saw a leg with white dress sitting behind him. He panicked and crashed at the roadside.
The next morning, our lecturer told us that Meng Han was admitted to hospital. We rushed to the hospital and thanks god, he was alived. Later, he told us what was happened the night and we believed that the girl who disturbed Meng Han is the girl who committed suicide in our college. Jessie has also started believing that ghost existed in our world.
tis is a real scary ghost story
Commented by leena — July 5, 2007 @ 5:48 pm
Commented by Lee — July 28, 2007 @ 11:55 pm
Woow. If I was on a motorcycle and I saw something like that in the mirror, or whatever, I’d jump off the motorcycle and run into the nearest house.
Commented by CaityCalnan — August 3, 2007 @ 6:11 am
This incident happened to my cousin brother before. Really scary…
Commented by Trecena — September 12, 2007 @ 12:27 pm
guess what my brother 18 had the same thing happen to him he is dead now:{
Commented by redsilk — September 23, 2007 @ 1:57 am
That’s crazy! No motorcycles for me!
Commented by Josh — November 13, 2007 @ 7:23 am
real scary ghost story………….
Commented by mahua — November 14, 2007 @ 3:08 pm
really scary
Commented by baba — December 21, 2007 @ 7:56 pm
dang…now THATS creepy!!! [ ;
Commented by lil’phil T — January 10, 2008 @ 2:43 pm
omggg!! so scary im the only one in my room ryt now…
Commented by samantha — June 19, 2008 @ 11:18 pm
indeed that was scarry…I just like to share something that happened to me, I was doing some painting in my friend’s 2 storey house that he built as a library and the ground fl was a stock room. It was rather small one, just about 50 square meters. I was occupying the 2nd fl as a studio to make my large paintings. The house stood few meters from my friend’s house. Outside are some large old mango trees that constantly gives me goose bumps and the bats by way that flys around the house to and fro through the large open old capiz windows. I go there alone by 7pm and work all night then goes home by dawn or morning time. One time, while I was there working with a cigarette at my left hand and a brush at the other, there was a sudden explotion noise from afar then the power was out,the electric post outside just died and everything was pitch black! I stood still scarred off my wit! i tried to reach for my cell without my body moving, just my hand trying to reach the desk in front of me. I couldnt see a thing, i didn’t wish to see anything either! I tried to call my friend, the first person i want to ask help from… Flip. I told flip about what happened and shut my eyes. To keep my mind away from the scarry room i am at. I told him that I was so scarred and so helpless and he comforted me, he tried to keep my mind away from my situation and told me I will be fine as long as I don’t think about “Samara”, and I asked back, who is she?…he replied, “ya know that one from The Ring ” then I just burst……..
what a friend..It was scarry for me, but also kinda funny in a way,my Dad by way came to my rescue, he knew that I should be scarred by then, the power outage reached our block. He came with his flashlights.
Commented by G — September 20, 2008 @ 10:34 am
Its realy vry scare …..m scared…
Commented by Jibs — September 22, 2008 @ 11:13 pm
samantha your story was very funny lol
Commented by keni — May 2, 2009 @ 11:25 pm
I don’t quite blieve your story… The ‘white girl’ he saw must have bn something white going by with the wind making an illusion on his mind. Then with the accident, since he was already scared and alone his mind must have been so worried about the matter that he could swear he saw that leg with white cloth and crashed…
About Samantha’s story, quite funny ^^ but that was a mean thing of your friend, I’m also really afraid of the dark, but I also believe everything has an explanation, that’s why I love horror movies and legends and so on XD
Commented by Rotta — May 2, 2009 @ 11:55 pm
i got so scared when i looked at Angel Renee Jackson’s FACE!
Commented by monty — May 6, 2009 @ 10:52 pm
really freaky! and she commited scuicide! wow PHYCO PATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Commented by Miranda — September 12, 2009 @ 10:42 pm
nice story btw,who’s Angel Renee Jackson??
Commented by april — November 1, 2009 @ 1:13 am
well ghosts like motorcycles too
Commented by jorgin von strangle — April 12, 2010 @ 8:00 am
thats horors story is very hmmmmmmmmmmmmm>>
Commented by ruby — August 29, 2011 @ 7:35 am
that was so scary but at the same time pretty cool but who or what in the world was that thing
Commented by cno — July 9, 2013 @ 1:43 am