Ghost Standing on the Pavement
Thank to Shi for sharing this video clip
This video was captured by street CCTV. A ghost was standing on the pavement and a lady was walking through the ghost.
Thank to Shi for sharing this video clip
This video was captured by street CCTV. A ghost was standing on the pavement and a lady was walking through the ghost.
Thanks to Kenny Mat for sharing this video clip.
This video was shot during a paranormal study at a cemetery. A girl was assigned to be alone at the area reported to be haunted. In one of the camera, a moving human-like object was captured and after numerous playback, it is confirmed to be a spirit.
Thanks to Melvin for sharing this video clip
This video was captured by CCTV. A white figure was captured crossing the road and disappeared after a car running over it.
Thanks to Kenichi for sharing this video clip
This video was captured while a couple walking in the tunnel to a gas station. Their car was running out of gas and need to fill up. His girlfriend was video shooting the journey and when she turned her face to the back, a ghost was captured.
Thanks to Shibaraki for sharing this video clip
Ghost was captured while shooting a Japanese drama which the storyline was about love and not horror. They only noticed the ghost when the crew review the shots.
Thanks to Kelvin Chen for sharing this video clip
This video was extracted from one of the most popular Ghost Study Show in HK. The video was submitted to the team by a well known casino for study. It was indeed genuine that spirit was captured by the CCTV installed at one of the table.
Thanks to Emanuel for sharing this video clip
This video was captured during the stage performance by students. A ghost suddenly appeared from nowhere and everyone in the hall saw the ghost. It varnished after a couple of second. The video was then sent to TV station.
Thanks to Robbo Hudson for sharing these images. Click on the image to enlarge
40 years ago my father-in-law came across this doll in a dime store in America. It was displayed surrounded by old pictures of itself taken years before. On the floor in front of the display was a red line. The display had a sign saying this:
“In 1888 this doll was given to Cedric Argyle of London. The doll Had previously been used in no fewer than 68 exorcisms. Reverend Thomas Blythe and his friend Mr.Argayus Brown used the doll in exorcisms when mischievous spirits haunted the stately homes and staff quarters of the gentry all over England. Thomas had often commented on the doll looking at him on numerous occasions and blinking or smiling. After a time the doll was finally photographed by a friend. When it was photographed again some 20 minutes later the photographer said he noticed the doll seemed to smile and it spooked him. No one took much notice until the plates were developed and the photographs revealed the face had actually changed!
Thanks to Dennis for sharing this video clip
This video was captured during paranormal study at a haunted building. They installed infra-cameras at every corner to make sure they are not missing a shot. Well, they were right, a ghost was captured raising up from the floor and following the crews.
Thanks to Kenichi for sharing this video clip
This clip was taken during a paranormal study. Several person were placed there with video cameras pointing at them. After about 5 hours, a spirit / ghost was captured.
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