January 1st, 2006


Posted in: Asian — Tony | 12 Comments
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Thanks to Athena for submitting this story

This story happens to my good friend, Michelle in Hongkong. She was back in her country for the summer holidays and she was looking forward to seeing her family and friends again.

Michelle has a unusual hobby- Cosplaying. She loves to dress and make up as her favourite cartoon or japanese visual rock artistes. One reason why she looks forward to the trip back home is to cosplay with her siblings and friends again. She got her wish and she spent most of her time with her friends or siblings cosplaying different people and at differnt interesting locations.

One night, she was up with her two sisters, talking away in the night about their lifes, friends, school etc. Basically just catching up on lost times. Suddenly, her elder sis, anna got this idea to cosplay late in the night as hong kong night scene is also very beautiful. ‘Why don’t we go to the cemetry? After all, we always went there to take photos in the day, this would be for a change..’ says michelle. They decided to have a Gothic theme in their make up and clothes, with all the black-lipstick and eye-liner.

By the time they reach the cemetry, it was already 2.30 am and was damn quiet and eerie. Despite second thoughts, they still went about it anyway. All was fine and fun with these 3 sisters taking photos and posing about. Michelle was posing with alicia when she felt a hand on her shoulder but she thought it was alicia. However, when she look again, Alica’s hands was placed in front of her face. She was feeling the creeps by then when Alicia said ‘Ai, dun put ur hand on my hip, very ticklish….’ But Michelle’s hands Was NOT there! By then, they realised that something is very wrong..and start to pack up and to hail a cab home.

Upon hailing a cab and start to enter the cab, the cabby turned and told them only 5 people is allowed in, whereas they have six. But whos the other 3??? Ignoring the cabby, they rushed in and asked him to speed up…straight to home.

When the photos were processed, many has this smoky haze floating about.. but the creepiest were the ones of alicia and Michelle….there were 3 additional ghostly apparitions besides them and two of them were holding on to alica and Michelle…… Needless to say, michelle and her sisters never took pictures in the cemetry again…

December 30th, 2005

Beach Side Tower

Posted in: Asian — Tony | 7 Comments
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Thanks to GirlGirl for submitting this story.

This incident happened to me and a few others about a year ago.

My cousin, Bobby, me, some of his friends and my other cousins were walking to the a Beach Resort as it was my grandma’s birthday. Its was dark except for the moonlight. Some of Bobby’s friends lit cigarette so that we could see better. By the time we reached there, it was 11.15pm.

After our dinner (or maybe I should called it supper), I asked permission from my mum to allow me to go and take a stroll with the rest of them. My mum allowed so we decided to take a walk. Suddenly, an idea struck to one of Bobby’s friend, Henry. He suggested that we would go to the tower nearby. So, everyone agreed. We took our torchlight along. Before entering to the area, we recited some prayers. Martin, one of Bobby’s friend told us not to look behind if anybody called.

Before entering the tower, there will be a maze. We walk there three in a row. I was lucky enough to get in the middle of the row and at the same time, with my boyfriend, Matthew. So when we entered the maze, we saw an old man digging a hole on the ground. We decided to ignore him as we thought he was a cleaner or something. So we continued walking.

After reaching the end of the maze, we were relieved. But when we looked up at the tower, we saw a boy, maybe in his teens wearing black t-shirt and pants. He was like standing at the tip of the cement his hands wide apart. Then suddenly, he jumped, but when we looked down we saw nothing. We were shocked that we ran back to the maze and quickly back to the entrance.We saw the old man again, but this time staring at us.

We quickly head for the entrance. When we were running, we saw an eagle fly past us. We ran as fast as we could. When we are back to the resort, we went to the side of the swimming pool, we told each other what we saw. Some of us were shocked when Matthew, boyfriend said that he saw a women head flying over him despite others saw an eagle.

December 29th, 2005

Midnight Visitor

Posted in: Asian — Tony | 18 Comments
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Submitted by Anonymous

This picture was taken when we were on a holiday at Cherating, in Malaysia. That night around 12 am, our beds were ‘out of order’ and while waiting for the new bed to arrive, we decided to take some pictures. When the ‘photo-taking session’ is going on, we did not see anything weird or feel the presence of anything. But when the picture is developed, we realised that on one of the pictures, there is a figure near the lift.

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December 27th, 2005


Posted in: Asian — Tony | 40 Comments
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Thanks to Alex

This incident happened when I was 13 years old. My best friend, John, was living next to me. We did homework together and helped each other. We were famous in school, lots of people knew us. Since he lived right next to me, he came to my house, played computer games and slept over as often as he could.

One day John came over to my house and asked if I wanted to watch a movie with him. I said yes. When we were on the way to the cinema, I fell asleep in the bus. I dreamt a weird dream. In it was my grandfather who died about 5 years ago. He told me the bus would crash with a car. Immediately I woke up. I told John not to watch the movie. He asked me why and I told him about my dream. But he did not believe it and said that if I did not want to watch, then I could just drop off there and then. So I get off the bus and went home.

When I arrived home, I was just in time to watch the evening news. I was so surprised. The news reported the bus John and I were in, had crashed with a car. Everyone died in the crash. I felt so sad.

When I was asleep. I woke up in the middle of the night to pee. As I was washing my hands on the sink, I realised there was blood on the mirror. It said, “YOU SHOULD JUST TELL MY MOM NOT TO GO TO THE MOVIE!!!” I freaked out. When I turned around, there was my friend John, and there was blood all over his face. I screamed and fainted.

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December 23rd, 2005

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

Posted in: Announcement — Tony | 4 Comments
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I’ll be going off for my Christmas Holiday with family for 3 days.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
To all the readers & bloggers

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December 21st, 2005

Ghost Tree

Posted in: Asian — Tony | 31 Comments
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Thanks to Seng Quan for this photo.

The following photo was taken during my fishing trip with some friends. We were enjoying our fishing, food, chatting and photo-snapping until evening. At around 6.30pm, while we were preparing to leave the place, we heard some sound like someone having hiccups. We thought there may be some other people having their fishing trip just like us and we continued packing our things. The sound suddently became louder and we didn’t see anybody around us. By that time, it was already around 7pm. We quickly drive our car out of the place.

That night, after uploading all the photos to my PC, I came across this photo that really freaked me out. There’s a GHOST inside the tree. I showed it to my friends who went there together and they said the sound that we heard that day may be from this ghost.

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December 20th, 2005

Whose hand is this?

Posted in: Asian — Tony | 35 Comments
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Thanks to Chen for submitting this photo.

The photo below was extracted from a video clip. When I watched it, I noticed there is a hand behind this lady’s back. I kept this photo and forwarded to many friends and thinking of sharing with you. So whose hand is that?

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December 19th, 2005

Ghost Captured Under The Train

Posted in: Asian — Tony | 35 Comments
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This clip was sent to me by Barry.

According to him, this video clip was taken by some Japanese Tourist and they were shocked to see a head underneath the train. The clip was edited to slow down certain part so that you can see where the ghost position itself.

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December 18th, 2005

Ghost capture from Bus

Posted in: Asian — Tony | 10 Comments
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Thanks to Kamal who submitted this photo to me.

This photo was taken while I am on holiday trip to Kuantan, Malaysia. We went there by bus and along the journey, we have taken numerous photos. I have cut out only the portion that can see the ghost without showing our faces.

When we are back to KL, we got a shock to see a man or boy (not sure) without legs looking at the bus or at us. It is wearing a raincoat or something like that.

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December 17th, 2005

The Unknown

Posted in: Western — Tony | 14 Comments
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Submitted By : John


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