December 8th, 2005


Posted in: Asian — Tony
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  • Submitted By : Frankie

    This was happened in my previous house. My family shifted to this new house is all because of that incident.

    We were staying at our old house for 5 years and nothing unusual until March 2002. My brother’s room door will open by itself every night even the door is lock. Whenever the door opens by itself, he will cover the blanket all over his body and starts shaking. He told this to my parents but none of them believe him. So he proposed to sleep with me and I agreed.

    On the first night, when I woke up for my usual business in toilet, the door was really opened. I remembered that I have locked the door that night before we go to bed. Without thinking much I went to toilet and again shut the door. After coming back from toilet, the door was again opened. At this time, i start to believe what my brother told us. So before going to bed, I closed and locked the door. I have even pushed the door harder just to ensure it is closed properly. I just couldn’t sleep and suddently, the door “ngeeeeeeeeeek” opened. I look at the door but no one was there. I started to freak out and run out to let my parents know. They started to believe me as I was already 23 years old at that time.

    Then I proposed to sleep at my parents’ room and this happened again, the DOOR OPENED AGAIN!!! My parents saw it with their own eyes and the next morning, my dad called a monk (we are chinese) to check whether there are any uninvited guess in our house. He told us everything is cleared now and no need to worry. At that night, it really freaked us out. My parent’s & my room’s door were opened by itself…. My parents were so worry and decided to spend a night at relative house.

    Within a week, we rented a house and shifted there as a temporary measure. Later we sold that house and bought a new one (we are staying here right now).

    The following are even more Scarier :



      Commented by redsilk — September 24, 2007 @ 12:47 am

    2. geeze… That is creapy!

      Commented by Denieru — October 6, 2007 @ 8:41 am

    3. my parent’s bedroom door, it creaks ipen if my parents don’t close it tightly.

      Commented by lisa le — December 31, 2007 @ 12:30 pm

    4. Its fake all fake

      Commented by Nawar Ramisa — March 1, 2012 @ 7:07 pm

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