Haunted Experience
Thanks to Rebecca for submitting this story.
When my sister and me were younger we moved onto a farm with our parents and we were very excited. We lived on that farm for more than five years and hope that we never have to go through anything that horrific again.
On one occurrence I slept upstairs in a room with my sister and one night while I was sleeping she woke me up in a panic and claimed that she saw a women in the corner of our room in an old fashioned dress and walked straight through the wall. I of course didn’t believe her until I myself was downstairs playing in our play room and heard some noises in the room next to me and thought it must have been one of my family members. So I went in and no one was there so I walked out and saw the same women my sister had explained to me walking through the basement. She walked into a room by the stairs so I ran of course and didn’t go down there for a very long time.
Another occurrence happened downstairs when my sister relocated her room to one of the rooms down there. She couldn’t get to sleep one night so she decided to read a book to pass the time until she could get to sleep. So she got up to get her book and turned around only to see a very young pale boy under her bed. She said that the boy looked very sad and was really skinny but of course like me she didn’t want to spend anymore time in the basement.
Many other times there were just noises in the house but the basement could send shivers up any ones back. The house was very old and was built in 1894.I once heard my mother talking about how one of the last owners had froze to death on the front porch. She was very old and had locked herself out. She was intoxicated and passed out on the porch.
We moved out many years later into a town house and one of my friends lived down the street and my sister and I would visit her often. We wanted her to come and play at the park so we headed over to her place. We knocked on the door and heard a voice say come in so we opened the door and heard voices downstairs so we figured her family and her were down there. We took about a step and called for our friend and then the voices stopped and then we heard heavy footsteps running up the stairs and there was no one coming up. The stairs are there right when you walk in so you can see straight down. We ran straight out of there. We later discovered our friend was already at the playground and her parents were gone as well.